Team of researchers in immersive technology in rehabilitation (ITR)
And users of LogVS
28 researchers
6 faculties
2 universities
The CIRRIS as a research center
About us
To promote the group's researchers as provincial, national, and international leaders in research involving immersive technology in rehabilitation and social participation.
To encourage collaborations and exchanges to push the creation of new ideas.
To assist in training, recruiting, and retaining highly qualified personnel.
To accelerate the dissemination of results and the mobilization of knowledge
To facilitate the participation of all populations in research
To give added value to the results
To increase the volume and innovation of research in Immersive and Interactive Technologies for the Health of All (TI PS) by optimizing the synergy that generates ideas and by a more efficient sharing of material and human resources.
The 32nd IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces
Home | IEEE VR 2025
March 8-12, 2025
St-Malo, France
Half-day workshop
March 8-9, 2025
Virtual humans and believable crowds are frequently used to populate immersive virtual environments. Several challenges, such as multimodal interaction and responsiveness of virtual humans in various social situations with the user, remain. VHCIE (Virtual Humans and Crowds in Immersive Environments) is a half-day workshop associated with the IEEE VR conference, whose objective is to generate discussions on the latest research related to these issues in a cross-community approach. This includes contributions from the VR community, as well as broader research aimed at understanding and simulating human behavior during social interactions. VHCIE 2025 also promotes a cross-community approach, with a focus on fostering collaboration between the VR and IVA (Intelligent Virtual Agents) communities, encouraging the exchange of ideas that contribute to the understanding and simulation of human behavior during social interactions. In this 2025 edition, we also emphasize accessibility and inclusivity by ensuring that all users can meaningfully engage with virtual agents and fully participate in social interactions. Finally, VHCIE aims to cultivate a friendly and constructive environment where participants can engage in open dialogue and collaboration across diverse areas of expertise.
Articles of the month
Walking and training
The effects of sport-specific training on individuals action strategies while avoiding a virtual player approaching on a 45 angle while completing a secondary task.
The current study investigated whether sport-specific training influences individuals' collision avoidance behaviors during a sport-specific task in virtual reality.
Clinical Feasibility of Applying Immersive Virtual Reality during Robot-Assisted Gait Training for Individuals with Neurological Diseases: A Pilot Study.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility and user acceptance of an innovative immersive virtual reality system (head-mounted display) used in combination with robot-assisted gait training in subjects with neurological diseases.
Mixed Reality-Based Smart Occupational Therapy Personalized Protocol for Cerebellar Ataxic Patients.
For ataxic patients, traditional procedures are currently the most effective, although there are no specific guidelines and suggestions for the integration of virtual reality. In this context, this study proposes a hybrid intelligent rehabilitation (HSR) based on mixed reality (MR) as a means to overcome the limitations of traditional OT procedures.
Exercise and balance in a child population
The development of an augmented reality application for exercise prescription within paediatric oncology: App design and protocol of a pilot study.
This study aims to explore user experiences, preferences and suggested improvements in healthy children and youth aged 9 to 21 years.
Efficacy of virtual reality on balance impairment in ataxic cerebral palsy children: randomized controlled trial.
To evaluate the efficacy of virtual reality (VR) on balance impairment in children with ataxic cerebral palsy.
Consultation for the development of tele-rehabilitation
An Interactive Vision-Based 3D Augmented Reality System for In-Home Physical Rehabilitation: A Qualitative Inquiry to Inform System Development.
The aim of this study is to explore the perspectives of key knowledge users on how to design a three-dimensional augmented reality (3D-ARS) system based on interactive vision to support postoperative physical rehabilitation at home for older adults.
Innovations in Immersion
A larger augmented-reality field of view improves interaction with nearby holographic objects.
The primary objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of AR field of view size on the head orientations required to view and interact with real and holographic ground objects under standing and walking conditions. In a second step, we evaluated the effect of AR field of view size on walking speed when interacting with real and holographic objects.
Virtual Reality-Based Exposure With 360 Environments for Social Anxiety Disorder: Usability and Feasibility Study.
This study aimed to evaluate the usability, feasibility, and presence of four 360° virtual environments and to determine whether they were able to elicit anxiety in patients with SAD.